Sunday, January 25, 2009

Canada, here we come!

Lost Campers is proud to say that our Vans are allowed to travel into Canada. We are still working out the finer details, however, they will be up this week. It is really cool for us, because in the most extreme case we might be able to make it into Alsaka this summer. Hmmmm Alaska. Anyways, right now it's Canada. Enquire with us immediately and we can explain how things work. Very exciting.
On another note, thanks to Krista and Kalin from the Yukon. They are our Customers of the Month. They had a huge time in one of our vans and they were beaming with smiles when they returned from their roadtrip to sunny San Francisco. And let me tell you, the sun is shining. You bloody beauty!! It's Australia Day in Oz too. Go Aussie Go!

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